Visa Lottery is very important to every family or individual out there. But it has come to our (MATCHWITHOUT.COM) notices that most of the applicants out there are still searching online for DV Lottery Result 2020 Entrant Status Check simple because of not know just how to do so.
Here in this post today, you will be learning or seeing the DV 2019 Result Checking and DV-2020 Entrant Status Check but before that, you will have to first understand some few things so has to make this more easy for you.
If you have been longing to know how to check the DV 2019 Results Checking, and check DV-2020 and DV-2019 Entrant Status, 2019 DV lottery results, How to check USA EDV 2019 online results, etc. Then you will have to check out for this ONE VERY IMPORTANT UPDATE BELOW
Update On Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery Result Checking
Surely, it will interest you to know that The U.S. Department of State Breau of Consular Affairs has provided a paperwork reduction act which states that:
The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including time required for searching existing data sources, gathering the necessary documentation, providing the information and/or documents required, and reviewing the final collection.
You do not have to supply this information unless this collection displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have comments on the accuracy of this burden estimate and/or recommendations for reducing it, please send them to: [email protected].
However, you are rest assured that the information asked from you is requested pursuant to Section 222 of the Immigration and Nationality Act which is very much to be considered confidential, save, and secured.
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So with this above understanding, I will then like you to proceed to check below what you really need to Check DV Lottery Result.
U.S. Department of State Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery PORTAL
Trust me when I say that the very one thing you need to check your DV Result Online is the DV 2019 Result Checking and DV-2020 Entrant Status Check Web Sites. and without taking much of the time here, check it out below: – As long as you what to know the latest update about your Electronic DV Lottery Application, DV Result Check Online, and also your DV Entrant Status Check. is the portal to visit and you will surely see or get all that. – This is the main DV 2019/2020 Result Checking Portal you have been longing to see, you can check your result any time. All you just need to do is to visit the site and you are just very much good to go in seeing your DV Entrant Status Check regardless of the year.
So that is it. But trust me when I say that I have make it very easy for you, but still i will be show you how to use it below, but below that, check out other things you also need to know.
DV Lottery Confirmation Number
Your confirmation, Family name or last name, and your year of birth to be what you must provide before anyone can check his or her DV Lottery 2020 Result. But if you are among those who have forgotten their “Confirmation Number” then you can quickly check below to see how you can get it back fast
How To Retrieve A Confirmation Number
To retrieve a confirmation number, the primary entrant information must be verified. So all you need to recover this Confirmation Number is list below:
1. Diversity Visa Lottery Program Year: (Select the Diversity Visa Lottery Program Year to check)
2. Name: (Provide the primary entrant name exactly as entered on the Diversity Visa Lottery Form, including punctuation. If no name was provided, select the checkbox just as required)
3. Date of Birth: (Provide the date of birth for the primary entrant as entered on the Diversity Visa Lottery Form)
4. Email Address: (Provide the email address used on the Diversity Visa Lottery Form)
5. Authentication: (When you visit the form just type the characters as they appear in the picture)
So these are the information you need to provide in the form in other to retrieve a confirmation number and here is the Form link to retrieve a confirmation number.
DV Lottery Result 2020 Entrant Status Check, See How To Check Now
With all this above guide, trust me when I say you really don’t need it below because you already know them. But like I promised, that I will also show you how to just just that, check it out below now.
STEP 1 – Visit the US Department of State website at
STEP 2 – Click on CHECK STATUS and continue
STEP 3 – In the new page that will appear, just enter the number of your confirmation, enter your family name or last name, and your year of birth
STEP 4 – Check carefully the security code provided and enters it correctly and then click on submit
At this point, you will be done because the next page that will appear will tell you whether your application was successful or not and also know you Entrant Status, so this is the step for DV Lottery Result 2019 Entrant Status Check.
DV Lottery 2020 Results Winners
Checking for the Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery Winners should really not be a problem at all. Just like I have taken my time by telling you this: – As long as you what to know the latest update about your Electronic DV Lottery Application, DV Result Check Online, and also your DV Entrant Status Check. is the portal to visit and you will surely see or get all that.
Here you go….! Remember you can drop any of your questions or opinions via the comment box below of Contact Us Form and we will surely hear you out.